About Us

The Veterinary Sustainability Alliance (VSA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting animal and human health by promoting sustainability. Founded in 2022, VSA seeks to fill a well-recognized gap; animal health professionals including veterinarians, students and clinical staff are concerned about the impacts of climate change and other environmental harms but feel unprepared to act given their lack of formal education and paucity of centralized resources.

VSA operates in both USA and Canada, sharing resources wherever possible because we are more alike than different. By aligning the animal health community, a diverse group of private practitioners, academics, industry professionals, and students, to work together and with our colleagues in human health, VSA will help alter the course of climate change’s impact on human and animal health. We invite you to explore our page and get involved!

Get Involved

We will soon be expanding our VSA team in both USA and Canada to better support our colleagues. If you are interested volunteering with VSA in any capacity, be sure to add your name to our mailing list or reach out by email:  info@veterinarysustainabilityalliance.org.

Leadership Team

Kristenn Magnusson

Kristenn is a veterinarian whose work has taken her on an incredible journey through small and mixed animal practice, regulatory medicine, and now wildlife health. She’s a passionate outdoor enthusiast who seeks to protect the planet for generations to enjoy by supporting other animal health professionals in their sustainability goals. She makes epic cookies.

Colleen Duncan

As an epidemiologist and pathologist, Colleen studied an array of diseases in wild and domestic animals, all the time wishing there could just be fewer sick animals. This perspective, and the inspiration drawn from working with passionate future veterinarians, led her to shift focus to protecting the environmental determinants of animal health. Kristenn’s cookies got her through vet school.

Katie Clow

Katie is a veterinarian, educator, and One Health practitioner. Every day – whether it’s in her research on vector-borne diseases or in the classroom discussing wicked problems with future leaders – she sees how anthropogenic environmental change is threatening the health and welfare of all species. She is passionate about sustainability and building a community of animal health practitioners who work together to protect our beautiful planet. 

Will Sander

Will is passionate about sustainability and wears many hats to get things done! As an educator, a clinician, and a policy champion, Will finds synergy across animal health sectors and breaks down silos. He’s a steadfast supporter of veterinary students and believes education is the foundation to reset expectations for what sustainability can be in our profession.

Diccon Westworth

From Australia to the wilds of Africa, Diccon ultimately settled in California in specialty neurology practice. He is championing efforts in the clinical sustainability domain; bringing people together under the shared goals of addressing anthropogenic climate change and identifying ways to limit our ecological footprints, so we can all flourish sustainably.

Foundational Sponsors